Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below some of our most frequently asked questions if you cannot see the answer you require then please do not hesitate to contact us on

Do you ship outside of the UK?

Unfortunately we do not currently ship outside the UK

 Are your products suitable for sublimation?

All items that are made from Clear or white Acrylic and our White faced MDF are suitable for sublimation

What time and temperature do you recommend for sublimation?

This will depend on multiple variables paper, ink, type of press ect. Please see our facebook group for help on this.

I have a bespoke idea i would like to see come to life. Can you help?

Yes of course we try our best to help your ideas come to life just drop us a message and we will try and help as best as we can.

I have recieved my order but something is wrong or damaged?

Please contact us ASAP via email or facebook messages so we can resolve this issue for more information please look at our returns information

Can you cut logos or images from other companies (Facebook, Mickey ect)?

Unfortunatley due to copyright we will not be able to cut any logos or images owned by another company


We hope this has helped answer some of your questions if not then please do not hesitate to contact us